BOOK ONLINE: To make an online booking please click on the link above. Your booking will not be confirmed until we have accepted your booking. You will receive an email confirmation once this has occurred.
Please allow 24 hours for us to confirm your booking request. If you haven't heard from us within that time, please check your junk folder or get in touch with us directly via phone or email. (details below)
Christmas and New Year bookings (15 Dec - 31 Jan) require a non-refundable, non transferrable 50% deposit by 31 October (or within 5 days of booking if booked after this) to secure the booking.
ALTERNATE BOOKING METHODS: Please feel free to contact us directly to make a booking over the phone, via text, messenger or email if you would prefer. We can be contacted on 022 310 5321 or by email [email protected].
If you need to cancel or update any booking, please contact us.